[SydPhil] Reminder: The Opening of the Art Exhibition 'When Gods Walked the Earth' is today

PhilosophyatWesternSydney philosophy at westernsydney.edu.au
Thu Oct 10 11:26:58 AEDT 2019

Dear All,

A reminder that the Opening of the art exhibition “When Gods Walked the Earth” is today, Thursday, October 10, at 6pm, at the Italian Cultural Institute (125 York Street, Level 4).

The collection of artworks by artist Mauro De Giorgi is entirely devoted to Rene Girard’s Mimetic Theory. The exhibition has been organized thanks to a grant of the Raven Foundation, supported by the Philosophy Research Initiative at Western Sydney University, and hosted by the Italian Cultural Institute.

Associate Professor Chris Fleming will briefly introduce Mimetic Theory, and Associate Professor Diego Bubbio will comment on the artworks. Italian wines and snacks will be served.

All welcome, but booking is essential: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/raRdCwVLQmiWyAKjIV3XK-?domain=iicsydney.esteri.it.

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