[SydPhil] Macquarie Philosophy WiP Seminar Tuesday 3rd May (tomorrow) Prof. Kristie Miller

Pierrick Bourrat pierrick.bourrat at mq.edu.au
Mon May 2 11:46:10 AEST 2022

Dear All,

Our next seminar will be on Tomorrow (Tuesday 3rd May) from 1-2pm.

Attend in-person at 25C Wally's Walk, Room C326.

Or, join us on zoom at this link: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/NWzXCk81N9tnqAKy9s2yIm0?domain=macquarie.zoom.us<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/v3llClx1NjiozmVwxt9vOXS?domain=aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com>
    Zoom Password: seminar

Prof. Kristie Miller (The University of Sydney)


Temporal passage and the rationality of future-bias


In this paper I argue that if future-bias (the preference to have pleasant events located in the future not past, and unpleasant events located in the past not future) is rationally permissible, then it’s permissibility is not grounded in our beliefs about, or experiences as of, time robustly passing as some have argued. Their idea is that because we believe that, or it seems to us as though, future events are coming towards us and past ones are over and done with and receding away from us, it is rational for us to discount the value of past events over future ones. I argue that (a) even if we have these beliefs and experiences, they are the wrong kinds of things to make future-bias rational and (b) even if they were the right kinds of things, as a matter of fact future-biased preferences are not sensitive to these beliefs or experiences, and so they cannot make those preferences rational.

Find details of upcoming seminars on our department website: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/nD8cCmO5glu5R8gozfBAIsy?domain=mq.edu.au<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/nD8cCmO5glu5R8gozfBAIsy?domain=mq.edu.au>.

For any queries relating to Macquarie Philosophy work-in-progress seminars please contact katrina.hutchison at mq.edu.au<mailto:katrina.hutchison at mq.edu.au> or pierrick.bourrat at mq.edu.au<mailto:pierrick.bourrat at mq.edu.au>.

Best wishes,

Pierrick Bourrat | DECRA Fellow & Senior Lecturer


Philosophy Department| Macquarie University | NSW | 2109
W www.pierrickbourrat.com<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/bwyTCoV1kpfXK5gVESOxWJv?domain=pierrickbourrat.com>

Research Affiliate, The University of Sydney
Theory and Method in Biosciences | W griffithslab.org<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/2g69Cp81lrtzxqV0mi2utzo?domain=griffithslab.org>

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