[SydPhil] Mini manuscript workshop on Michael McKenna’s Responsibility and Desert.

Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics arts.cave at mq.edu.au
Mon Jun 27 15:43:58 AEST 2022

You are invited to attend a manuscript workshop for Michael McKenna’s Responsibility and Desert. Please register your attendance by emailing arts.cave at mq.edu.au<mailto:arts.cave at mq.edu.au>. Registrants will be emailed a copy of the manuscript for pre-reading of the relevant chapters.

Program and details:

When: Tuesday 5th July 1.00pm – 5.00pm

Location: CAVE room (Faculty of Arts, in building 25WWC Room 211) or online via zoom (https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/hJAoCANpgjC9jMkQWfGDGqs?domain=macquarie.zoom.us<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/SuVYCBNqjlCVv3YG4h6aPZB?domain=aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com>)


 Chair: Jeanette Kennett

1.00-1.30 Introduction/overview of the manuscript. Michael McKenna

1.30- 2.25 Chapter 3 Basically Deserved Blame and its Value.

Commentary Nicole Vincent, Response Michael McKenna, Open discussion

2.25- 2.45 Afternoon tea

2.45 - 3.40 Chapter 7 Fittingness as a Pitiful Intellectualist Trinket?

                Commentary Neil Levy, Response Michael McKenna, Open discussion

3.45- 4.40 Chapter 10: Wimpy Retributivism and the Promise of Moral Influence Theories

                Commentary Katrina Hutchison, Response Michael McKenna, Open discussion

4.45-5.00 Concluding remarks

We look forward to seeing you then.

Best wishes,

Tom Montefiore

CAVE Administrator

Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values and Ethics (CAVE)
Department of Philosophy
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
CAVE website: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/V3S0CD1vlpTBXQ49VCAd-WD?domain=mq.edu.au<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/RgU5CE8wmrtWBKE7DSPLKm9?domain=cave.mq.edu.au>

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