[SydPhil] International Ethics Olympiad Tertiary Final Next week

Admin admin at ethicsolympiad.org
Fri Apr 14 08:01:57 AEST 2023

Next week we are hosting an international finalof the Tertiary Ethics Olympiad.

Australia - 19th April 2023- 8 am-11.30 am AEST    

United States - 18th April 2023 – 3 pm-6.30 pm LAtime/6 pm-9.30 pm EST

This will involve teams from… 
   - University of Chicago
   - Tufts University
   - Whitworth University
   - Australian National University 1
   - Australian National University 2
   - Monash University

If you would like to watch, then please feel free toregister here.

Matthew Wills
Ethics Olympiad Manager

Mailing Address:PO BOX 116 Dernancourt 5075
Phone 0400029660

Email: admin at ethicsolympiad.org
Click here for a recent article in the Australian Journal for Middle Schooling about "the Ethics Olympiad Experience."

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