[SydPhil] Macquarie Philosophy WiP Seminar on Tuesday 26 September 2023 – Dr Robert Ross (Macquarie University)

FoA Philosophy Seminars foa.philseminars at mq.edu.au
Wed Sep 20 09:13:32 AEST 2023

Dear all,

You are invited to attend the next Macquarie Philosophy Work-in-Progress Seminar on Tuesday 26 September 2023 from 1:00 to 2:00pm.

Attend in-person at 25B Wally's Walk, Room B603.
Attend online: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/PRYhCmO5glupqAX0YhGEbRo?domain=macquarie.zoom.us
Password: seminar

Speaker: Dr Robert Ross (Macquarie University)

Title: Can We Trust Psychology Research?

Abstract: Two key assumptions of psychology studies are that (1) participants understand what researchers are asking them to do and (2) participants provide sincere responses when completing questionnaires and other tasks. While data-quality checks are being used increasingly often to verify these assumptions, there are still numerous psychology studies being conducted with inadequate data-quality checks—or no data-quality checks at all. In this talk I present research showing that low-quality data from psychology studies can have effects that are considerably more pernicious than you might think. As a consequence, I argue that we need to reconsider how we evaluate the existing psychological research literature.

Bio: Robert Ross (Google scholar: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/AqlCCnx1jniXVKwyLsJZcmJ?domain=tinyurl.com) is a Research Fellow in the Department of Philosophy at Macquarie University. His research interests include cultural transmission, delusions, metascience, misinformation, reasoning, and religion.

For any queries about the Macquarie Philosophy Work-in-Progress Seminars, please contact foa.philseminars at mq.edu.au<mailto:foa.philseminars at mq.edu.au>.

Best regards,


Dr Regina Fabry (she/her)
ARC Discovery Early Career Research Awardee
Department of Philosophy
Level 7, 25B Wally’s Walk
Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
E:  regina.fabry at mq.edu.au<mailto:regina.fabry at mq.edu.au>  |  mq.edu.au<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/UR-ZCoV1kpfDmB9oGSVUp_t?domain=mq.edu.au>
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