[SydPhil] Fwd: Call for Papers: Mindscapes Workshop

Inês Hipolito hipolito.ines at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 11:51:32 AEDT 2023

*Call for Papers*

*Title:* Mindscapes: Culture, AI, and Human Minds Workshop

*Date:* 12th March 2024

*Location:* Macquarie University

*Abstract:* In the age of intertwined human and AI-generated content, the
Mindscapes workshop aims to explore the impact of these interactions on
cultural practices. Generative AI like Language Models (LLMs), if skewed
towards Western perspectives, inadvertently constrain self-determination in
our agency to contribute to the meaning-making within our cultural
practices, narratives and knowledges. This philosophical inquiry has
profound implications in various societal domains. Can we achieve
culturally sensitive AI design? This conference focuses on the interplay of
culture, minds, and AI, aiming for a clearer understanding of its impact on
cultural identities and human flourishing.

*Confirmed Speakers:*

   - Shaun Gallagher (University of Memphis)
   - Pii Televaki (Helsinki University)
   - Luke Munn (University of Queensland)
   - Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos (University of South Australia)
   - Wendy Rogers (Macquarie University)
   - Tom Froese (Okinawa OIST)
   - Michael Levin (Tufts University / remote)

*Expert Panel of Discussants:* The workshop will additionally invite a
distinguished panel of experts who will play a key role in critically
facilitating engaging discussions, providing valuable insights to both
speakers and participants.

*Funding:* Generously funded by the *Macquarie Centre for Ethics and Agency*
and the *Macquarie Minds and Intelligence Initiative.*

*Submission Details:* We invite scholars to submit a *300-word abstract* of
a paper exploring the workshop themes. Submissions should address the
interplay between culture, minds, and AI, with a focus on cognitive science
and cultural psychology. Accepted papers will contribute to a fertile
ground for future research endeavors, enhancing our collective
understanding of the intricate relationship between minds, culture, and AI.

*Submission Deadline:* January 3rd 2024 to *ines.hipolito at mq.edu.au*
<ines.hipolito at mq.edu.au>

*Organisers:* Ines Hipolito and Richard Menary

*Inês Hipólito*
Lecturer (a/Prof) of Philosophy of AI
Department of Philosophy
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
Room 557, Level 5, 25B Wally's Walk
*E: ines.hipolito at mq.edu.au <ines.hipolito at mq.edu.au>*
*W:* MQ profile
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/qEjECQnMBZfXqXqErCxWX8J?domain=researchers.mq.edu.au> |
*www.ineshipolito.com <http://www.ineshipolito.come/>*
Co-Founder and VP International Society for the Philosophy of the
Sciences of the Mind <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/ruzCCROND2uGlGlkBUN4TLd?domain=ispsmind.com>
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